Saturday, June 20, 2009

Send "Greetings from Wallace, NC"

We have 2 beautiful new postcards available! The cards are photos of the depot and the caboose with the message “Greeting from Wallace”. Both pictures were taken by Chamber President Sheila Young. The postcards are available for purchase at the Wallace Chamber of Commerce office in the depot. The price for the large postcard is $1 and the small postcard sells for 75 cents.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Set your alarm for Saturday morning!

Set your alarm for Saturday morning! The Farmer's Market at the Wallace Depot opens May 16 at 8 a.m.! You know how quickly the asparagus and herbs went last year- so if you snooze- you may lose out! The hours for the market will be from 8-12 this year, and many of the popular vendors from last year are back- along with some new ones. The Long Leaf Arts & Crafts Guild gallery will be open, and the trains will be running in the train room.

Some of the merchants downtown are planning sales- so be sure and check them out while you are downtown- What I know is that The Verandah, Farriors, Fancy Farmer, Peek-a-Bootique, The Polka Dot Zebra have sales going on....Lillies & The Mustard Seed were thinking Sidewalk was Evan's Jewelers....
See you at the Depot!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hot Dog & Ice Cream Social

Join the Friends of the Depot Thursday, May 14th from 5-7 p.m. at the Wallace Depot for the 2nd Hot Dog & Ice Cream Social at the Depot! This free event is sponsored by the Wallace Depot Committee and the Friends of the Depot as part of their Annual Membership Drive. Hot Dogs are made possible by Smitty's Hot Dogs, the ice cream is made on site, the model trains will be running, as will the speeder. Meet old friends and make some new ones!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

May Days

There is a full calendar of events scheduled in Downtown Wallace during May!

The Wallace Depot Commission & the Friends of the Depot are sponsoring a Hot Dog Social as part of their annual membership drive. The event will be held May 14th from 5-7 p.m. This is a free event, with hot dogs from Smitty's Hot Dogs. There is entertainment scheduled, the train room and Long Leaf Arts & Crafts Gallery will be open, and the speeder will be running.

The 2009 season of the Farmer's Market opens May 16th. The market hours are from 8 a.m. till 12 noon this year. Many of your favorite vendors from last year will be returning, joined by new ones! There are special events scheduled monthly, including a 4th of July bash. for more information on the Farmer's Market, go to

Many of the Downtown merchants are planning special sales that Saturday- so be sure and check them out!

The first in a series of "Third Thursday int he Park" concerts sponsored by the Wallace-Rose Hill Friends of the Arts is scheduled for May 21st. Performing this month are The Country Roads Band. The concert is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. at the Wanoca Park Amphitheater. For more information, visit the Friends of the Arts website at:

Monday, April 27, 2009

40th Birthday Celebration at the Library

Tuesday, April 28th from 5-8, the Friends of the Library are hosting a 40th Birthday celebration at the Thelma Dingus Bryant Library. Come out and join us for birthday cake and discover all that the library has to offer!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Save 20% on Easter outfits

Save 20% on outfits with Easter Bunnies and ducks on them at the Peek-a-BooTique! They have a good selection of adorable outfits to choose from! Perfect for pretty Easter pictures!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Easter Outfits at Peek-a-BooTique

Get your little one ready forEaster with adorable outfits at the Peek-a-BooTique. They have a great selection of Easter themed outfits and spring wear for girls- size 0-14 and boys- size 0-10.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Two Great Downtown Events!

This weeekend is host to two great downtown events-

On Friday February 20, there is a Spaghetti Supper at the Wallace Women's Club on Railroad St. Plates are $6. The event runs from 5-7 p.m. Proceeds benefit the maintenance of the Historic Women's Club building.

On Sunday, February 22, from 1-5 p.m. there is an open house at the Wallace Depot. The entire depot will be open, and the trains will be running in the train room. It will be a great time to meet with people and enjoy the depot!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

EXCLUSIVE at The Polka Dot Zebra!

The Polka Dot Zebra is the EXCLUSIVE local outlet for a NEW line of letters! These are decal type letters for windows, laptops anything you can imagine! AND they are zebra motif or polka dot motif!!!!! Is there ANYONE ELSE in Walllace other than the Polka Dot Zebra who would have these!!!! Let your imagination run wild! The letters are available in several sizes including a wall size by special order!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

NEW! Zebra Monogram Flags...where else...The Polka Dot Zebra

Lisa at the Polka Dot Zebra has found a line of flags that have the zebra print with monograms! They are in stock NOW! Word is that there will soon be animal print mats at Willa's florist & check that out too!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sale ot Peek-a-BooTique

Winter and Christmas merchandise is on sale at the Peek-a-BooTique- save 40-50% off! Save a bundle by buying this year for next year! The shop is darling, and they are receiving Spring goods everyday

Farriors January Sale

Get 40% off framed art, mirrors, lamps, home accessories and area rugs at Farrior's now through January 31st! If there is something you have had your eye on, now is the time to get it! And while you're there, be sure to congratulate Harriet on being recognized for all she does in town by being awarded the "Toots" Carlton award. The award will be presented at the annual Chamber of Commerce/Wallace 100 Committee Banquest January 20th at the Mad Boar. For more information on the banquet, follow the link on the right to the Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, or call Lou Powell at 285-4044.

After Christmas Sale at Cavenaugh's

If you haven't been to Cavenaugh's since they remodeled- you need to go! The store is BEAUTIFUL! And now is a perfect time to stop by- they are having their annual After Christmas Sale! The savings include 40%-50% off Christopher Radko Ornaments, 40% off silverplate serve ware, 50% off all jewelry (except Brighton), 25% off watches (except Brighton), 40% off Jaqueline Kent dolls....and other items throughout the store. The sale runs through January 26th.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa House Schedule

Santa has indeed come to town!
here is the schedule he will keep at the Santa House on Main St.

Friday, Dec. 19, 3:00-6:00pm
Sat. Dec. 20, 10:00am-1:00pm
Tues. Dec. 23, 2:00pm-5:00pm
Wed. Dec. 24, 2:00pm-5:00pm

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Parade Day Shopping Deals!!!

The Diva was downtown today- and here's a look at parade day shopping deals....

The Polka Dot Zebra has 25% off discontinued and retiring Vera Bradley merchandise....there is also a selection of Christmas colored bags and Christmas gift items and well as Holiday scent Tyler candles....

Lillies Boutique will have a sale on everything in the store- jewelry, handbags, shoes and clothing....see store for details....

Be sure to peek into Divine Fashions- the resale shop is open if you browse in through the Divine Fashions entrance- the grand opening for the resale shop is next month

Wallace Drug will have 25% off all Christmas ornaments- this includes John Deere ornaments! They also have Colonial Candles- and the UNC fragrance.

THE VERANDAH will offer 50% off Christmas!!

The book signing that was postponed form Christmas at Twilight will be held Saturday at The Art of Hope. Mailyn Thomas will be signing her new book "Beulah Land" Hope Smith painted the cover for the book jacket....

Farriors has 30% off Christmas gifts- and art & mirrors.

Creative Concepts has a good selection of WRH Bulldogs t's and hoodies-also the new Wallace souvenir tee shirt....

Everything will be on sale at Market Furniture.

Fancy Farmer still has a great selection of gift items- they now have etched glass....

Treasure House has a good selection of coin collecting supplies and coins as well as jewlery

Honeycutt Pawn....have you been? You'll be surprised at the selection of jewelry there!

One Peacock Place has a lot of really neat gift items- at great prices...

The Mustard Seed has a Christmas Gift catalog sale...

Graham Drug has music cd's

Up the road at Willa's there will be 50% off select merchandise- this will include much of their Christmas merchandise

Don't forget to check out the Handcrafted Christmas at the Depot- and the Long Leaf Art Guild Gallery for more unique gift ideas....

Wallace Christmas Parade

The Annual Wallace Christmas Parade is this Saturday- December 13th!! The parade starts at 10:00 a.m. at the Walmart on 117 and continues south to Main St. The weather forecast is for sun and cool temps- probably in the upper 40's at parade start- just brisk enough to know it's Christmastime- but not frigid.
There will floats and fire engines and antique cars and clowns- and of course Santa Claus himself will arrive to spend some time with the children at the Santa House following the parade.
The Downtown stores will be open and many of them are planning some special sales that day- If you don't subscribe, be sure to pick up a copy of The Duplin Times this Thursday to see their ads! If you haven't been into the shops lately- you need to stop in and see what's new! We are fortunate to have such a variety in our shops downtown! Browse through the blog, and check out the store's websites to get an idea of some of what they carry- then visit them on parade day and finish your Christmas Shopping without the hassle of the mall!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Wallace Handcrafted Christmas at the Depot

The Farmer's Market space at the Wallace Depot will be open again starting this Saturday when it hosts Wallace Handcrafted Christmas. The Grand Opening is Saturday November 29, and will be hels every Saturday through December 20. Hours of operation- 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Artisans and Crafters will have gifts for sale to help fill your stockings with care. The Long Leaf Arts & Crafts Guild Shop will also be open.If you are looking for something unique for that special someone- you need to check it out!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

2009 Christmas at Twilight

This year’s Christmas at Twilight is shaping up to be one of the best yet! The event will begin one hour earlier- at 3:00 p.m. and continue until 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 22, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. A Taste of Wallace will be held in the Farmer’s Market section of The Depot. Among the participants are The Mad Boar, Subway, Pizza Hut and Western Sizzlin’. The Longleaf Arts & Craft Guild will be open as well. There is enough entertainment scheduled to fill the stage at the back of the depot, a freestanding stage, and another stage area on E. Main near The Treasure House. The Elf Shoppe this year will be in the old Biney’s Music space on W. Main, and there will be antique cars, motorcycles and tractors all along Main St. The Craft vendors will be along the sidewalk along SE Railroad St. and the food vendors will be along Main St. Hayrides will begin at the corner of W. Main & Raleigh St., and the children’s inflatable bounce house will be near the Depot. Santa’s House will be in it’s usual location- it’s been refurbished by the generous group from the Rotary Club.One of the things we are hoping will have HUGE participation this year is the Toys For Tots campaign. This year, the need will be greater than some years past, and we hope you will all remember to bring a donation for this cause!Many of the stores will be open and are planning specials for that day- Evan’s Jewelers will be giving a free Christmas Ornament to children under 12 (while supplies last) and serving Hot cider and cookies. One Peacock Place LTD. will offer 20% OFF Greenleaf Diffusers and Diffuser Oil. The Verandah will offer discounts on Christmas items, and Farrior’s will offer 30% off accessories, mirrors, pictures & lamps, and serve coke, Johnnie Cakes & cheese. Market Furniture will offer discounts and offer refreshments. The Art of Hope will host a book signingfrom 5-8 pm for Marilyn Thomas for her newest book, “Sweet Beulaland” and serve hot cider & cookies. They will also have Christmas paintings and prints for sale. The Stone Leaf Café will be open for dinner, and Brown & Thigpen will be having an auction that evening. The Polka Dot Zebra will be having their Open House and offer discounts. Duplin Adult Day Services will be serving refreshments. The Fleur-de-Lysa a new shop that carries unique florals & gifts will be open, serving refreshments and offering discounts. The shop is located in the white house aside Four Oaks Bank at 420 E. Main St. Though we don’t have details, The Mustard Seed, The Fancy Farmer, Divine Fashions and the newly renovated Cavenaugh’s will be open that evening. Be sure and join in the fun!!!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Peek-a-BooTique is open!

The Peek-a-BooTique opened November 8th at 107 West Main Street, filling the void left when Babycakes closed. Scott & Bridgette Brennan are the proprietors of this new venture. The shop is charming- with a good selection of quality infant and toddler clothing. They have a variety of holiday outfits for Thanksgiving and Christmas in addition to the selections of darling apparel and accessories. In addition to the new items, they have an upstairs area that houses gently used clothing.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just a reminder!

Just a reminder!!!!! The 11th Annual Christmas Open House is this Friday & Saturday at The Verandah! The trees are beautiful- and the ornaments are dazzling...the wreaths- well need I say more!!! Save 20% off!
If you don't take The Duplin Times, be sure and get one this week (find it at The Village Store, Foodlion, Piggly Wiggly, Country Kitchen or Western Sizzlin') for the 20% off anything in the store coupon for One Peacock Place LTD. and see the ad right below it for the Open House at The Fancy Farmer. They have 30% off Halloween merchandise! See the post below for all the details on specials downtown this week!
I love this time of year in Downtown Wallace!!!!! Only 30 days till Christmas at Twilight...but more on that later!